
Last Sunday we took some time to discuss justice and how our church might be able to have a more meaningful impact on our community. Brandon Gregory spoke on justice and you can hear his message HERE now.
We also heard about partnering with Harmony Public SchoolsAllies Against Slavery as well as Redeemed Ministries. (unfortunately there were audio issues on those recordings so those talks are not available)

At this time, we are praying together as a church to commit ourselves to more than just a "project" like Brandon spoke about. Whether we serve as the church as a whole, as a Restore Group, as a family, or as an individual, we feel we need to keep this discussion alive and pray about how to make a long term impact on our community.

This coming Sunday is a Restore Sunday so we will not be holding our regular Sunday gathering at Imagine Art. We would like to encourage you to take this weekend to pray as a family, as a restore group, or on your own about what might be on your heart when it comes to justice and how you might be able to get involved.

We would also love to hear from you. If there is something you would like to add to this discussion or something you would like for us to pray with you about, please email us or call us, or lets have lunch or coffee anytime. We (your elders) will be meeting and continuing this conversation and would love to hear your thoughts or ideas. We can also help you get involved with any of the areas that were discussed Sunday morning. 


We now have a live schedule on our website that is available to you that we will keep updated at all times, check it out HERE. You can view all of our upcoming Sunday Gathering and Restore Sunday dates, group meetings, as well as special events we would like to encourage you to be a part of. We will also post opportunities to serve with our partners as they become available. If you have something you would like to add to the calendar, please let us know!

We are in the process of upgrading and re-arranging some items and toys for our kiddos. Holly Phillips has been updating a wish-list on Amazon.com so that everyone may see what items we're looking to add for our kids. If you happen to have any of these items (in good to excellent condition) and would like to donate them to our church, or if you feel called to purchase them for our church, please let us know! WISHLIST Thank you!

We're also in need of a few more volunteers for our kids. If you would like to help out on Sunday mornings, please contact Holly Phillips: hollynicolephillips@gmail.com

We still need volunteers to pick up flowers on Sunday mornings at the Whole Foods downtown on North Lamar. All that is required is a car to transport the flowers, willingness to wake up early on a Sunday, and ability to drop them off at church or a local rehab hospital. Please contact Meg Garner meg.garner@gmail.com